Residents of the San Bernardino Mountains are feeling upset and worried since they have been without electricity for days or weeks. This is especially true now that winter weather is coming and snow is expected this weekend.
Power was cut off in the region in order to lower the risk of wildfires, which has made it difficult for thousands of people in the Inland Empire to work and live.
According to Southern California Edison, power shutoffs usually happen “during dangerous weather conditions to prevent our electric system from becoming a source of ignition.” These safety shutoffs are a last resort strategy to ensure the safety of you and your neighborhood.
Residents claim that even though power has been restored to some towns, there is no communication about when it will be restored, and shutoffs can happen at any time.
As snow is expected to arrive soon, residents are concerned that the shutoffs will take place amid hazardous winter conditions.
SoCal Edison executives are being asked for answers by a number of residents, including Michelle Caulkins, who lives in Lake Arrowhead.
“I’d invite [the executives] to my house to come endure the snow with me with a power outage when it’s going to be below 30 degrees,” Caulkins stated. “Come and enjoy it with me without a generator, without a stove, and figure out how to stay warm with us.”
Caulkins stated that she recognizes the importance of safety measures; however, it is both aggravating and potentially hazardous to live each day without knowing when power would be restored.
“It’s a difficult fine line because I understand the fire danger, but at the same time, for us up here in rural areas, to turn the power off at night is putting a lot of us in a really bad position with these freezing temperatures.”
Heather Paul, who operates a gift shop in Running Springs, stated that she was unable to open her company due to the absence of electricity, which resulted in a 25% decrease in income compared to the same time last year.
“I believe we’ve had probably six days loss of business due to power outages,” Paul stated.
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Local Airbnb owners have reported that customers who were unhappy with their stay and lost power have also been asking for their money back. A lot of people are curious if there are any long-term solutions being developed.
According to SoCal Edison, public safety shutoffs are usually a last resort and are determined by a number of variables, such as wind speed and the amount of vegetation in the area.
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Officials are still evaluating the current situation in real time and have not yet confirmed if the power will be turned off due to the impending snowfall that is expected this weekend.